PCB Update
Hey guys! PCB avionics finished. It's been ordered and is on the way. You guys get to solder it in a bit when we confirm the stuff works. Have a goodnight I kinda spent a long time on this
Nathan Liu
Hey guys! PCB avionics finished. It's been ordered and is on the way. You guys get to solder it in a bit when we confirm the stuff works. Have a goodnight I kinda spent a long time on this
Nathan Liu
Rocketry room 10AM Tuesdays! (and online on discord) Bao suggested we start having weekly general meetings, and I think this is a great idea. We will try to make the meetings as efficient as possible by having an agenda that we go through, and time afterwards for random discussions. We will first go through team updates, then we will assign tasks. The tasks list is on the drive, and on the website.
There will now be a message posted to discord whenever the blog is updated! This will be the first post that does this.
The fuselages, and motor tubes, and a few other things have arrived! We have already given out fuselages to a ICARUS and Lunar Wolves. We will be in contact shortly with each team to give out the fuses.
Here's a photo of me picking up the packages. Photo cred to Nikolai.
We have officially placed orders for everything in the BOM. We spent about $7000. We had an issue with ordering the starlink so Alessia will be ordering it soon. The absolute latest things will come by is March 5th.
Minor edits made to the website, including the addition/onboarding of a new helping hand for development and documentation (hi Mom!). More edits will be forthcoming shortly as we begin to build our guides.
More commits were made to the website today. I accepted a pull request from ICARUS, who added their image to the teams section. The tasks section was updated to include all the little things we have to work on. Documentation for the avionics was worked on, Nikolai wrote down all of the connection for the break out boards on the default flight computer. Oscar submitted all the P card requests (see image below), and we are planning to have a meeting with Alessia this friday or monday.
Today we successfully hosted the preliminary design reviews. Four out of the 9 currently registered teams showed up. There is one more on friday.